Market Research Projects

2 December, 2018

Customer satisfaction market research for EVN, 2013-2018

Customer satisfaction research for the Northern Powwer Corporatiion (NPC), Southern Power Corporation (SPC), Central Power Corporation (CPC) and EVN Ha noi, the regional bodies of Electricity […]
6 June, 2016

Strategy Consulting and Developing BSC – KPI system for Abipha Group

In June 2016, OCD Management Consulting has officially launched the project on Strategy Consulting and Developing BSC – KPI system for Abipha Pharmaceutical High-tech Company. The […]
30 June, 2015

Vietnam Market Research: Customer Satisfaction Surveying & Analysis for Power Corporations (EVN-CPC, EVN-NPC, EVN-HPC, EVN-SPC)

In last 2014 and early 2015, the OCD Market Research team performed customer satisfaction research for the Centre Power Corporation (CPC), South Power Corporation (SPC), North […]
2 March, 2013

Local partner to the Fair Labor Association (FLA) in the USAid-funded project “Promoting Sustainable CSR in Vietnam”

OCD is key local partner to the Fair Labor Association (FLA) in the USAid-funded project “Promoting Sustainable CSR in Vietnam” that provide technical assistance and guidance […]
2 March, 2013

Nationwide customer satisfaction survey for EVN

Within the scope of the World Bank-funded “Rural Distribution Project” at Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), 2008-2013, OCD was commissioned to conduct the first ever nationwide customer […]