Development Projects

2 March, 2014

Develop concept and support project implementation for “Applying Electronic Traceability System for Seafood Exporters in Vietnam”, funded by the Danida fund “Global Competitiveness Facility” (GCF), 2011-2014

OCD supported EDC-HD, a Hochiminh City-based Vietnamese Business Development Service Provider to successfully develop project concept for “Applying Electronic Traceability System for Seafood Exporters in Vietnam”, […]
2 March, 2014

Local Partner to Pario Solutions Group (Australia), Vietnam Communist Party Anti-corruption Training Program (VCPACTP, 2011-2014) sponsored by USAID

Vietnam Communist Party Anti-corruption Training Program (VCPACTP, 2011-2014), sponsored by AusAid. In team with Pario Solutions Group (Australia), OCD co-organizes a series of high-level and operational […]
2 March, 2013

Consulting Service for CMMI Qualification and Recognition in Vietnam-based Software Companies, funded by MIC

OCD was awarded the 3-year contract for supervision of the implementation of “Consulting Service for CMMI Qualification and Recognition in Vietnam-based Software Companies”, a project funded […]
2 March, 2013

Local partner to the Fair Labor Association (FLA) in the USAid-funded project “Promoting Sustainable CSR in Vietnam”

OCD is key local partner to the Fair Labor Association (FLA) in the USAid-funded project “Promoting Sustainable CSR in Vietnam” that provide technical assistance and guidance […]
2 March, 2013

Nationwide customer satisfaction survey for EVN

Within the scope of the World Bank-funded “Rural Distribution Project” at Electricity of Vietnam (EVN), 2008-2013, OCD was commissioned to conduct the first ever nationwide customer […]

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